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Selectmen Minutes 08/23/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 23, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Alan Mayville, Walter Sanborn, Thomas Houle, Jason Weir, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, John Martell, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Darlene Phelps, Mike Williams, Patrick Clarke, John Freeman

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Public Hearing: Proposed Ordinances
The purpose of the hearing was to gather public input on five proposed ordinances.

False Emergency Alarm Ordinance:  Mr. DeBold asked the Police Chief and Fire Chief if false alarms were still a problem in town.  It seems there is not a problem at the moment, but the faulty alarms can be spotty and when it happens it could go off for many days in a row.  It was discussed that the ordinance applies to homeowners as well as businesses.  Grammatical/spelling errors in the draft were discussed. There was a discussion about whether the Selectmen have statutory authority to adopt the ordinance.  This ordinance will be tabled for now.  If the alarms become an issue for the Town, the Selectmen will re-open the discussion.

Construction Work Requiring Uniformed Policemen:  Chief Clarke gave an overview of the proposed ordinance.  This is not currently a problem in Town and this ordinance was written primarily for revenue generation.  Most were not in favor of having more restriction for the purpose of revenue generation.  This ordinance was tabled with no plans for reconsideration.

Snow Removal:  The Road Agent explained that we already have a snow removal ordinance this new one lowers the fee.  RSA 236:20 will be added under authority.  The word may will replace shall under penalties.  Nancy will produce a final copy of the ordinance for the September 6th Selectmen’s meeting.

Open Container Ordinance:  Chief Clarke review the Ordinance.  The purpose of this ordinance was to allow the Town to receive the open container fines instead of the State.  The only addition in this draft to what is already against the law is that alcohol would be prohibited on Town property.  Many were opposed to this addition as it would prevent adults from having a beer while playing horseshoes/softball at the park.  Chief Clarke said this is currently not a problem.  The Selectmen would like to pass the ordinance removing all references to Town property and only make this ordinance apply to the use of alcohol in vehicles.  Chief Clarke will follow-up with Nancy as to the correct fine and Nancy will produce a final copy for the September 6th Selectmen’s meeting.

Loading and Unloading of any Metal Tracked Equipment or Rubber Tired Equipment having Chains Ordinance:  This Ordinance was written as a result of heavy equipment being unloaded and causing damage to the road.  Many felt the description of the type of equipment was too vague.  It was suggested to add after equipment “for the express purpose of off road traction”.  Nancy will rewrite the ordinance to make the intent more clear.

Summary:  The False Alarm Ordinance and the Construction Requiring Uniformed Policemen are tabled.  The other three Ordinances will be re-written in final form for consideration of the Selectmen at their meeting of September 6th.

Department Heads
Building:  John Freeman provided a two week report.  There were six permits; total fees = $425.00.

Fire Department: The Fence at the Fire Department was discussed with Chief Quimby.  Removing the fence and not replacing it was discussed; however it was decided that the Town should try to eliminate light and noise reasonably by replacing the fence.  A vinyl privacy fence was discussed.  Nancy will look into pricing and funding.
Mr.  Paveglio reviewed the year to date budget numbers with Chief Quimby.

Library:  Lucille Noel reported on the summer reading program.  There will be book sales in September and October.  

Police:  Chief Clarke reported that the Old Home Day “Battle of the Badges” softball game was fun event that was well attended.  Jeff Miller will be returning to the State soon.  Chief reported some recent burglaries and advises that Chichester residents stay vigilant and if someone sees something out of the ordinary to please report it.
Mr. Paveglio reviewed the year to date budget numbers with the Chief.

Highway:  Jim obtained a lock for the fuel system and feels the system has been working well.  Jim reviewed some of his budget numbers; he has been keeping an eye on the fuel line.  There was no road side mowing done this year.  The Selectmen will review the proposed Safety policy at their next meeting.  
Mr. DeBold thanked Jim for his help with the playground at Carpenter Park.

Food Pantry:  Donna reported that the freezer and small refrigerator were sold at Old Home Day.

Old Home Day:  Mr. DeBold thanked the committee for doing an excellent job cleaning up after Old Home Day.

Heritage:  The Heritage Committee received notification that they did receive the moose plate grant.  At the last meeting they thought they had not.  The grant is for almost $10,000.  This will certainly help in restoring the windows of the Grange Building.

Other Business
Cemetery:  Several people mentioned that the cemetery on Bailey Road looks like it needs to be mowed.  Nancy will look into whether or not this is Town maintained.  

Community Building Roof:  The Town received 5 bids on the roofing project as follows:
Company Total w/Vol          Total
S&W Roofing LLC 5,975.00            7,975.00
KJ Rouleau       8,280.00         10,080.00
A+ Roofing      10,425.00         13,425.00
Skyline Roofing Inc       11,800.00       14,300.00
Cobb Hill Construction    12,768.00       14,537.00
The Selectmen asked Nancy to check reference on the three lowest bidders.  The Selectmen will meet briefly on Wednesday the 31st to award the project.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(e) Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan for a non-public session to discuss a legal matter at 9:20pm.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the nonpublic session at 9:30.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed.
Richard DeBold swore in Mike Paveglio as the Planning Board Alternate Ex-Officio.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:40pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    _______________________      __________________________
      Richard DeBold, Chairman D.  Michael Paveglio                                 Jeffrey Jordan